Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Save on Energy Costs with Home Energy Audits

Premier Property Management Services, LLC is excited to announce that we are partnering with Santa Energy Corporation to offer our Connecticut properties Home Energy Audits.

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that 50% of the country’s energy consumption is used for home heating and cooling. With that said, it’s no wonder why homeowners are constantly seeking to improve their energy efficiency and cut their monthly utility bills.

One of the best ways to improve energy efficiency is through a Home Energy Audit. During a Home Energy Audit, a certified professional will thoroughly inspect your home and conduct a series of tests to determine areas where energy is being wasted. In addition to improving efficiency, an energy audit can also help detect safety hazards in your home such as high levels of carbon monoxide or improper electrical wiring.

Upgrades recommended through Home Energy Audits can help consumers save up to 30% on their monthly energy bills. In addition to the monthly savings, these upgrades can also increase the resale value of your home; plus most of them are eligible for government cash rebates. 

Recently we worked with Santa Energy at one of our properties to see how we could help owners save money on utility bills. The auditors from Santa Energy came in and inspected the buildings. With their help, each unit owner received brand new, energy efficient windows and complete winterization. The project cost was estimated to be upwards of $300k, but the cost to the Association was $0!  

To schedule a Home Energy Audit for your property please contact Premier Property Management Services at (877) 208-4570. You can also visit our website at www.ppmgmtonline.com

To learn more about Home Energy Energy Audits, check out at this infographic provided by the Department of Energy (click HERE to see the graphic larger):